Friday, August 21, 2009


Creation starts with ideas applied strategically in working systems, what we see are simply thoughts that were given a second thought. I like to say think that thought again.
Imagine a man on his death bed being harassed by thoughts, these thoughts are ideas he never gave a second thought, businesses, conglomerates, enterprises, maybe a beach front apartment, a white phantom, a vacation in Hawaii, a weekend in the Bahamas, all thoughts which could have come true save the culprit here is guilty of allegedly refusing to give that thought a second chance.

Some see life as a game, some as stress, some as an event of uncertain occurrences, a feast of tragedies, a party of good tidings but I like to call it A DANCE OF IDEAS, and like in dance you have to be passionate, you got to have style, pick your rhythm, sing your song and most importantly enjoy your strides and your steps, If you don’t it wont be the music because this dance competition called life has only one rule and that is, make your own rules or rather choose the rules you want to dance by. Once you have made them, the judges judge you by them and that we call nature or as we like to call it destiny.

So what is the beat you choosing to play, it’s your call, this is your dance and your feast of limitless ideas. Your dance floor is as boundless as the confines of your mind, if it’s small it’s because your mind is small, if you flunk this dance class it’s not because the teachers failed you but because your dance floor which is your mind rendered your ideas immobile. Your low self esteem, zero thinking, pessimism has poured grease on your dance floor, burned potholes in it, it’s rough such that your routine (strategy in the execution of ideas) fails. You have been called to rehearsals and this routine wont be easy but every dancer will tell you, what starts as a difficult routine soon is an expression of passion releasing an euphoria of endless joy.

If your dance isn’t going well, you are not enjoying yourself then stop the music its time to change your routine, routine is key so don’t joke with rehearsals. You have to get this right.
The next time you hit that dance floor, bear in mind this is a dance of ideas. If I can think it I can do it. Its a YES I CAN paradigm of thinking.

Make sure it’s fresh, it’s exciting, it’s stable, and it’s energetic, of great intellectual content and you enjoying yourself. I say welcome! Come lets do your dance like you know it should be done. You are the judge.


  1. Now this is really nice and interesting!

    A dance of Ideas indeed. I like the part where you said

    "Your dance floor is as boundless as the confines of your mind, if it’s small it’s because your mind is small...."

    How true!

    Welcome to Blogville Rez, I hope you have fun!!

  2. nice one rez, this got me thinking; the most important part of the 'dance' is starting it. ave come to realize that ideas bounce around in peoples' heads all the time.

    the 'problem' with many of us is we just keep waiting to hear a particular 'tune' before moving a foot. we incorrectly think that once we hear that 'tune', we will simply go ahead and execute the perfect 'dance routine' that would wow everyone. alas, the 'tune' ends up not being played and after a while that particular dream dies.....we stay in limbo for a while till the next bright idea pops into our heads then we go right ahead and make the same mistake over again. it's sad.

    this is not to say we should spend our lives 'dancing' to discordant tunes; certainly not! but it's vital that at some point we start 'dancing' even if it's only 'do re mi and fa' that we can hear cos waiting for everything to be in place before we set out will leave those brilliant ideas as just brilliant ideas and nothing else. that i believe is the real tragedy.

    thanks once more for the post, it really got me thinking.
